Forums - Strider/Doom. Is there a TRUE counter? Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Strider/Doom. Is there a TRUE counter? ( Posted by Nate X Grey on 07:16:2001 08:14 AM: Strider/Doom. Is there a TRUE counter? Ken is there for the annoyance. He doesn't really help out much against a good Strider who knows how to leave gaps from far and then bait Ken to come out bla bla bla. He doesn't hit a teleport Strider either. Felicia...? I dunno. Never tried her. But I doubt she'll be able to stop a good Strider/Doom. So what do standard teams(Mag/Storm/AAA, Battery/Cable/AAA, Sent/Doom/BH, bla bla bla) do against Strider/Doom? Is there a nice way to counter this? Or is it all down to the Strider player to screw up? I really hate it when there's nothing I can do with my Magneto against a Strider with meters. Posted by MarkyMark on 07:16:2001 08:37 AM: Being an avid Strider/Doom player, I would say the only way to really get at the team is to do what you said... Wait for a mistake. There's no strategy that I lose to when I play. I just lose when I make mistakes. Although I would have to say that Spiral/Sentinel and Storm have the best chances versus Strider. Spiral/Sentinel: fight fire with a Bic lighter. Storm: stay away from Doom AAA as much as possible. Posted by ranmasama on 07:16:2001 03:34 PM: Just team up your magneto with storm projectile assist and use the projectile assist when doom comes out. The typhoon will hit doom all the time. Posted by MarkyMark on 07:17:2001 12:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by ranmasama Just team up your magneto with storm projectile assist and use the projectile assist when doom comes out. The typhoon will hit doom all the time. Assuming Strider isn't on top of Magneto like he's supposed to be. Storm assist takes too long to come out, leaving Strider ample time to hit her first. Posted by Colin on 07:17:2001 01:32 AM: Ken assist is no the only reason Ken is good against Strider/Doom. Ken's counter is also good. You can alpha counter and immediately cancel to shoryureppa, then DHC to a damaging super. If you do this near the end of the orbs the invincibility will be in effect. I often play Mag/Storm/Ken. I try to rush Strider at the beginning and kill him before he becomes a threat, but if the strider is very good and locks me down this is one way out that takes over half of strider's life(either shoryureppa-hail or shoryureppa-shockwave depending on the current order). Of course it costs 3 meters but it is a fool proof way out of the trap using Ken assist. Not great but it works. In general though you have to kill strider before he gets started or never let Doom assist get you. -Colin Posted by soup or man on 07:17:2001 01:57 AM: Jin's AAA is a good assist for this because it covers both sides of you, whereas Ken would just knock Doom or Strider away, Jin's could knock them both out. Posted by Dasrik on 07:17:2001 02:07 AM: Felicia, at least with meter, is good on Strider/Doom. It's just that no one has bothered to learn her because that's her only use. Sand Splash will take care of Doom whenever he bothers to show up, and there's nothing Strider can really do to hit Felicia before she recovers. The launcher is good anti-air, but of course Ken can take care of that just as well. Then, of course, do Hyper Sand Splash whenever Strider activates orbs. All this requires that Felicia stay on the ground, and without Doom to be a bother to her, there's no real reason for her to jump. Posted by Nate X Grey on 07:17:2001 08:20 AM: Ok... just a quick question. If Strider ever calls Doom from 3/4 to full screen away and teleports above me, do I have time to call Psylocke to hit him, launch and combo before Doom's rocks tag me? I'm thinking I do. And what can Magneto do against a tiger/bird/Doom calling Strider? By the time I sj and air dash past that shit, he's already got a meter. Damn I hate that. Oh, and Storm's winds will never work since Strider's either always filling the screen up with crap or teleport above-behind you and slashing. Storm's too slow IMHO. Posted by cheese_master on 07:17:2001 08:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Ok... just a quick question. If Strider ever calls Doom from 3/4 to full screen away and teleports above me, do I have time to call Psylocke to hit him, launch and combo before Doom's rocks tag me? I'm thinking I do. And what can Magneto do against a tiger/bird/Doom calling Strider? By the time I sj and air dash past that shit, he's already got a meter. Damn I hate that. Oh, and Storm's winds will never work since Strider's either always filling the screen up with crap or teleport above-behind you and slashing. Storm's too slow IMHO. Well he does shit like that... feel free to Snap his ass out when goes to start the orburos... this is of course... if u aren't already blocking. When he throws shit at u... u can do Mag's proj with Storm assist... cancel into shockwave... if the punk ass tries to teleport. The best way to hand the situation don't let him get meter... and if he tries to use Capcom stop ur rushdown... make sure to punish kill Capcom once u have two meters... with a Tempest into Hailstorm... Then stay in the air and build meter and make sure to not use up your airdash... just to annoy him so when he think ur about to land and starts his oroburos... air dash lightning attack and piss him off. And remember that Psy knocks out Doom if timed properly... so don't let him chip u for free. And always have the happy knowledge in the back of ur mind... no matter how badly ur losing... once u kill Strider... he loses. Posted by Hoe Muffin on 07:17:2001 08:34 AM: Nate, with or without ourbourous? I mean, I don't think it matters if Strider has got his orbs up. If I personally don't have orbs up, and I bring out Doom, I just fake a teleport (i.e. kick/punch teleport to the opposite side of the screen), bait the anti air, and chuck out some more animals, since you're pretty safe from Mags at that point. Alternatively, I think you can block out of his teleport, so that might not work. Some help from those in the know? Posted by cheese_master on 07:17:2001 08:36 AM: Oh yeah about the launch before Doom's rocks hit u... just fuck it and do a tempest... even if u do get hit by the rocks... some of the Shards of the Tempest will hit Strider and still hurts like hell for Strider. Of do a Shockwave... that may hit Doom before he releases the Rocks... doing Damage to both the two people u really care to damage. Posted by cheese_master on 07:17:2001 08:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Hoe Muffin Nate, with or without ourbourous? I mean, I don't think it matters if Strider has got his orbs up. If I personally don't have orbs up, and I bring out Doom, I just fake a teleport (i.e. kick/punch teleport to the opposite side of the screen), bait the anti air, and chuck out some more animals, since you're pretty safe from Mags at that point. Alternatively, I think you can block out of his teleport, so that might not work. Some help from those in the know? U can block one frame after the air teleport... so unless some is already doing a move at the position where u are teleporting to... u can block. So if they call an AAA early enough... it will hit Strider... or else he can block. Posted by Nate X Grey on 07:17:2001 08:46 AM: Nah. I've tried shockwave. It doesn't help since if Strider teleports, he goes behind Magneto and the first shockwave column. Rushing that shit down to prevent him from gaining meter is what I usually aim to do. Its damn hard against a good Strider though. Does Strider have any glaring weaknesses that I can take advantage of? The call storm+Em disruptor won't work either. Its either you get hit by some of Doom's rocks, Strider teleports behind and combos you or Doom takes the Em while a tiger knocks Storm out. By the way, can I do anything to punish Strider if I anticipate him calling a tiger or bird? He recovers really fast... but I'm Mag. I'm sure I can do something. I just dunno what. Posted by Hoe Muffin on 07:17:2001 09:05 AM: Well, if Strider's a full screen away, he's safe from Mags (not Cable though). It's actually safe enough for Strider to throw out a Tiger, Bird chain... let's look at your team, the tiger prevents the ground rush, jump airdash stopped by bird, which gives Strider time to block. Half screen is a bit riskier, but most of the times, Strider will have an assist to cover him, (Doom is good for this, since that takes off the ground dashing option, so Strider OUGHT to chuck out a bird) maybe if you have an assist to take out Doom before the rocks come out, like Storm, but as you've noted, it takes too long... You're better off waiting for Strider to screw up, unfortunately . Posted by DeathFromAbove on 07:17:2001 09:06 AM: Many Strider players play the trap so that there is a point where they call Doom, do kitty XX Orbs, and it is all in front of you. You can alpha counter Psymitar XX AHVB that most of the time (if they don't get Doom right on top of you, or he's not throwing the rocks off at the same time). Ken is good because he takes Doom out of the picture for long amounts of time when he hits, leaving Strider without the chipping power while he has Orbs going. Cable/Ken seems to work well, since you can repeatedly jumpback + Ken, leaving Strider teleporting in front of you where Ken can get him. In most cases, Striders will teleport to you, not wanting to leave Doom standing in the middle of the screen while there is a Cable in position to AHVB that shit (although the thrown donuts usually rule out that possibility anyway). The key to beating Strider/Doom is capitalizing on little imperfections in play. Lots of things that don't really seem like mistakes can be exploited. Pushblocking at opportune moments will create these little things, sometimes. -DFA Posted by silenttiger on 07:17:2001 12:47 PM: I counter strider doom with Iceman/Doom/whoever. The caliber of players here dictates a beam-them-from full screen approach. The striders I play have real problems trying to teleport when I'm full screen away. Iron Man's AAA works well in most of the situations I encounter as well. I tend to mix it up. I think either of these combinations will work with your Mags. Peace. Posted by Striding Cloud on 07:17:2001 12:58 PM: Well,whenever i play a good Strider/Doom with Mag/Storm,it's either rush or be rushed.^_^ Posted by Kao_ Ryuu on 07:17:2001 01:18 PM: cheh this must be said. Colin, you dumbass butt pirate, there is no Alpha counter in MVC2, you ASSHOLE!!! ITS CALLED A variable counter. get it straight, pally. hey,hey,OK!!!! Posted by Naslectronical on 07:17:2001 02:31 PM: Strider/Doom pretty much has no holes in it, the only thing you can do is wait for the player to screw up. And if it's Strider/Doom/Capcom, then it's completely hopeless. That's the best team in the game. No holes in it, no weaknesses, no escape from it. You can pick Ken and Felicia to try and counter it, but even then it's a tough fight. Magneto loses to it because he has to get close to do his damage, and that's exactly what Strider wants him to do so he can get him bocking and into that trap of his. Storm loses to it, she too has to rushdown at some point, which is what Strider wants. Typhoons won't help, Strider will just teleport behind her and lock her down from there(no pun intended). And if she tries to run away with sj fierces, then Capcom brings her down. Spiral's really powerless against it. Strider's orbs and animals outprioritize her swords, it simply has better ground control. If she teleports, Capcom will bring her back down into the trap. And even if he doesn't she'll have to land at some point, and Strider will be right there waiting for her. Cable just gets overall dominated. He can only control the horizontal plane in front of him, and Strider's teleports take care of that. There's little Cable can do once Strider drops Doom and teleports behind him. Blackheart has somewhat of a chance, but he'd have to be psychic. Capcom brings him down when he's up in the air throwing the demons. And once BH is grounded, the trap begins. Strider can also teleport out of Inferno XX HOD. Posted by MarkyMark on 07:17:2001 02:31 PM: quote: Originally posted by cheese_master ...don't let him get meter... What the Hell are you talking about? How do you suppose you're going to keep Strider from getting meter? Hold him in infinite block stun? Errr, that'll require another Strider/Doom. Otherwise, you build meter with everything else in this game - you attack you get meter, you get a hit you get meter, you get comboed you get meter... You be on crack. Posted by master ken on 07:17:2001 04:58 PM: The most important thing is to controle the space around strider. If you are close enough and he calls Doom's assist, punish Domm with Ken's aaa and rush strider down. If you are far away from him, you know that it takes some time for strider to load the ourbourous, so during this time you can do a super, like ahvb, or you can throw a beam so he can't load ourbourous. If he teleports, call ken's aaa once again. Posted by J-dog on 07:17:2001 08:08 PM: 2 words RUSH DOWN I seen Alex Valle tear apart a very good styder doom PERFECT with magneto storm and commando. Peace Posted by MadjaYcD on 07:17:2001 08:23 PM: A perfect Strider/Doom is too good. All you need is 2 full meters to go on forever. Maybe more though, it all depends on how much you build while you are in ouroborus, which is the only way you can build meter. The only distinct way to defeat it is if the person using it defeats himself by making a mistake, or if you get a rushdown character and kill him in the beginning if strider is starting. Strider/Doom/CapCom is one of the best teams, but strider is starting, he can't hold his own against a rushdown character even with his assists. He would have to build meter by himself. It's very difficult to keep it going though, and one mistake and its over. Characters like sentinel can make 30 mistakes and still be alive. Posted by Colin on 07:18:2001 02:14 AM: quote: Originally posted by Kao_ Ryuu cheh this must be said. Colin, you dumbass butt pirate, there is no Alpha counter in MVC2, you ASSHOLE!!! ITS CALLED A variable counter. get it straight, pally. hey,hey,OK!!!! Um, okay, didn't know you were so sensitive about it.... um, sorry. Posted by Monkey on 07:18:2001 02:18 AM: Re: Strider/Doom. Is there a TRUE counter? quote: Originally posted by Nate X Grey Strider/Doom. Is there a TRUE counter? ShadyK's Magneto in video #2. ^_^ Posted by Naslectronical on 07:18:2001 02:21 AM: Re: Re: Strider/Doom. Is there a TRUE counter? quote: Originally posted by Monkey ShadyK's Magneto in video #2. ^_^ LOL! Magneto is not supposed to beat Strider! But ShadyK does it! Posted by Mr. Hiryuu on 07:19:2001 05:56 PM: Strider/Doom. Is there a TRUE counter? capcom AAA,ken AAA or hurricane kick,cycke AAA,iron man AAA or proj Posted by Cletus Kasady on 07:19:2001 07:03 PM: Doesn't B-Jin have enough range to hit Strider? Posted by CompassSaviour on 07:19:2001 07:29 PM: I think there someone that people are forgetting...... and rightfully so, he's no good for anything else. SERVEBOT!!!!!!! He's too small to be effectively kept in this trap. He just needs good assists and five levels.... good luck getting it though. All times are GMT. The time now is 09:21 PM. Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.